Babies With Lactose Intolerance


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pregnancy and parenting on justmommies children are not able to digest a type of sugar found in cows milk the small intestines produce a digestive enzyme known as lactase national library of medicine pubmed health is a type of sugar found in milk and other dairy products develops when the small intestine does not make enough of an enzyme

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babies with lactose intolerance symptoms causes treatments tests means the body cannot easily digest a type of natural sugar found in milk and dairy products

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is my baby intolerant kellymom by kelly bonyata bs ibclc if your baby is sensitive to dairy products it is highly unlikely that the problem is although many people may tell intolerant breastfeeding magazine is your baby intolerant dont stop breastfeeding find out why it is probably something else causing your babys problemssigns of in ehow causes stomach pain from an overproduction of gas in the intestines often will show signs of pain after a feeding by grimacing crying

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