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if vitamin d deficiency a cause of autm scientific as evidence of widespread vitamin d deficiency grows some scientts are wondering whether the sunshine vitaminonce only considered important in bone healthmayautm research institute conducts research and dseminates the results of research on the causes of autm and on methods of preventing diagnosing and treating autm and other severeworld autm awareness day autm autm speaks autm speaks dedicated to increasing awareness of autm spectrum dorders to funding research into the causes prevention and treatments for autm and to
autm fact sheet national institute of neurological dorders autm spectrum dorder asd a range of complex neurodevelopment dorders characterized by social impairments communicationthe national auttic society autm asperger syndrome we are the leading uk charity for people with autm including asperger syndrome and their families we provide information support and pioneering services andautm wikipedia the free encyclopedia autm a dorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and verbal and non verbal communication and by restricted repetitive or